Sunday, November 1, 2009

H1N1; The Obama Administration's big failure is a big warning on nationalized healthcare

In the US, annual deaths attributed to the "common" flu vary between 18,000 to 36,000 depending on the source. With the H1N1, estimates of possible US deaths ranged wildly, with some estimates being 600,000 and higher. Prematurely named a national emergency, H1N1 has proved to be far less fatal than the ordinary flu virus. What seems to be swept under the media rug is the Obama administration's horrendous mismanagement of obtaining and distribution of the vaccine, with long delays and most areas in the country receiving supply shortages of 25% and higher (in spite of the shortages, plenty of H1N1 vaccine was somehow found for the Gitmo terror suspects). All of this at the time that the virus was to have reached it's peak infection rate at the end of October. That being said, if the H1N1 had proved as fatal as predicted by some, US death tolls would have been enormous. Nationally and globally we all dodged a bullet here. If H1N1 would have been as potent a danger as all the overblown press coverage at first proposed, it would have made Hurricane Katrina look like a tea party.
This recent example of ineptitude mirror those other government run disasters, namely Medicare and Social Security both running in the red in the tens of trillions and are destined to not only to fail, but to bankrupt the nation as well.
Any doubts as to whether or not we should hand over national health care with a "public option" to the US government should end here.